
Which Sportscaster Do You Watch?

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It’s World Series time, which means attention is turned to sports. Which sportscaster is your favorite, locally (such as KNBC’s Fred Roggin, right) or nationally (ESPN’s Chris Berman) --and why?

Here are the responses to the Aug. 26 question: How far should TV go?

TV’s preoccupation with sex in the content and dialogue of the majority of sitcoms smacks of writers trapped in a warped adolescent state of mind. Is it a lack of imagination or creative ability that continually shortchanges the public? Thank heaven for the few remaining tasteful programs and for Channel 28.

Bobbye U. Kelly, West Hills

How sad it is that the networks feel they need to lower their standards to compete for ratings by using common “street” language. They have even put the words in the mouths of children, which indicates to those watching that this is acceptable language. These words become a part of the general public’s speech that is unacceptable to many viewers who find such language abhorrent.


Our literary and educational levels have already dropped to new lows. This language is not necessary nor does it really add to the shows.

Mary K. Goodhart, Monarch Beach

I am a firm believer in: “There is a time and place for everything.” There is a time for adult programs and for children and teen programs. I believe it is time to start taking care of our children. I know our children should not be subjected to such frank, obscene language. As a society we should be doing everything in our power to protect them from such.

Maureen McClement, Laguna Hills

The great classic shows didn’t need bad language. Maybe it’s a crutch for writers who can’t think of something better to say.

Charlotte Ortega, Saugus

I do not use “four-letter words” in my workplace nor do my co-workers or acquaintances and friends (except in extreme anger). I personally don’t consider them a necessary additive on TV, and will usually not watch shows that use them.

J.M. Peterson, Fullerton

Do we have to lower standards to appeal to the less civilized? Do we have to be crude to make a point?

Look at the ratings. What an example for our children.

Catherine Stuy, Camarillo

Frank language? Realistic?

Never have we spoken, nor our friends and neighbors in our middle-class neighborhood spoken, the language we hear prevalent on TV series today. Because of the coarse language we no longer turn to any sitcoms.


Patricia A. Ongstad, Thousand Oaks

Should TV use “frank language?” My answer is NO! A 6-year-old may say “you suck” without knowing what it means and probably because it was heard on TV. I don’t understand why this kind of “realism” is necessary, and it certainly does not improve the quality of any show. Why do we want to encourage the use of vulgarity anyway? I’ve already stopped going to most movies because of the never-ending vulgarity.

M. Eiser, Canoga Park

I am appalled and outraged at the use of the vulgarity and dirty language that is being used on television shows. My family turns off the channel when the language used is more than we can digest.

To take a small child like Sarah Martineck (on CBSU “Uncle Buck”) and expose her to the filthy language of this world is a crime, and contributes to the delinquency of a minor.

The Burwell Family, Northridge

Low-life language never adds to a show. Review some of the exceptional shows of the ‘60s, especially situation comedies. ‘sing young children to promote such purposes is awful. I’m restricting more shows each year.

Bill Hartman, Cypress

I gave up sitcoms when Archie Bunker flushed his toilet on television, so I would not watch “Uncle Buck.” However, putting garbage language in the mouth of a darling little girl like Sarah Martineck is disgusting on the part of the writers.

My husband and I love good police and law dramas and looked forward to “The Trials of Rosie O’Neill.” It was on for 15 minutes. Rosie is no lady and we are not interested in her foul mouth or her live-in situation.


Marilyn Culbertson, Arleta

Accomplished actors with good material do not need vulgar language to keep up with the times. Good taste is timeless.

Norma Schumm, Laguna Niguel
