
ELECTIONS / 45TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT : Businesswoman Hopes to Deny Margolin a 5th Term

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Democratic Assemblyman Burt Margolin of Los Angeles, who is seeking a fifth term, faces an under-financed challenge from Republican businesswoman Elizabeth Michael of Hollywood on Nov. 6.

A solid liberal, Margolin, 39, is a leading force on legislation to promote recycling and provide coverage to millions of working Californians who do not have health insurance benefits.

Margolin’s seat is considered safe. The 45th Assembly District is heavily Democratic and Margolin has won handily since his election in 1982. In 1986, he scheduled his wedding and honeymoon during the campaign. In 1988, he received more than 68.8% of the vote.


Of the 144,857 voters in the district, 58.9% are Democrats, 28.5% are Republicans, and 14,733 are independents. The district includes portions of North Hollywood, Studio City, Burbank and Universal City, then stretches over the Hollywood Hills to include parts of Hollywood and Hancock Park.

A former staffer for Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Los Angeles) and Rep. Howard L. Berman (D-Panorama City) when Berman was an assemblyman, Margolin also is closely allied with the namesakes of the Westside Democratic political organization.

Michael, who describes herself as a “born-again Jew for Jesus, says she opposes abortion and would support a constitutional amendment prohibiting abortions. That position puts her sharply at odds with the incumbent, who favors a woman’s right to an abortion.

Michael takes a strong stance against gun control, opposes waiting periods for the purchase of handguns and favors “broad leeway in self-defense.” She would repeal restrictions on the sale of assault weapons. “Gun control doesn’t work,” she said.

An unsuccessful candidate for the state Senate two years ago, Michael is critical of Margolin for being part of the Waxman-Berman organization and a political ally of Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco).

She criticizes his receipt of campaign contributions from special-interest political action committees.


Peace and Freedom candidate Owen Staley is also on the ballot.
