
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : Congress: 19th District

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Questionnaires were distributed to candidates this month. Answers longer than the space allotted were edited to fit the available space.

Mideast Crisis

Q. Do you generally support President Bush’s handling of the Mideast crisis precipitated by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait? Briefly explain any differences you have with Bush’s actions.

Ferguson: Yes, but a greater effort should be made to make this a multilateral effort. Other nations, such as Japan and Germany, have a large stake in the outcome of the Mideast crisis. This should be reflected in a combined financial effort on the part of all nations involved. Diplomatic efforts through the United Nations should continue and eventually American troops should be replaced with U.N. peacekeeping forces.


Lagomarsino: Yes.

Lorenz: No, the Bush Administration had ample warning of a possible invasion by Saddam Hussein and should have consulted both Congress and the United Nations before it took place. It was wrong to send in U.S. military forces to Saudi Arabia. The economic embargo should be enforced by authentic U.N. forces under U.N., not American, command.

Ultimate Goal

Q. Should the ultimate goal of the United States be to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait? Or should it be to remove Hussein from power or at least greatly reduce his military capacity, either through war or negotiations? Ferguson: The United States, its allies and the United Nations should be able to pressure the Iraqi government to retreat from Kuwait. The U.S. should not be involved in either covert or overt maneuvers to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Negotiations should be initiated through the U.N. to greatly reduce all chemical warfare arsenals in the Middle East.

Lagomarsino: Iraq’s unconditional withdrawal is a stated objective. However, a withdrawal without a check on Iraqi military might and verifiable, international safeguards and/or prohibitions on Iraqi chemical weapons and nuclear programs sets the stage for a future, even more dangerous, attack by Iraq against its neighbors including Israel. We should not rule out any option, but continue to strive for a negotiated solution.

Lorenz: The U.S. goals should be to support regional negotiations under U.N. auspices, to stop all military foreign aid and to end our dependence on oil and other fossil fuels through a national program of energy conservation and conversion to renewable resources.

Weapons Sale

Q. Do you support the Bush Administration’s proposal to sell billions of dollars of additional weapons, including F-15 fighters, TOW missiles and Apache helicopters, to Saudi Arabia?

Ferguson: No, I support a scaled-down version propounded by Rep. Mel Levine. This plan would allow the Administration to sell roughly half of what was originally proposed to the Saudi government. It would also allow Israel to buy some new weapon systems to ensure parity in the region.


Lagomarsino: Yes, a limited arms sale helps Saudi Arabia--rather than U.S. troops--protect our interests in the Gulf. Even if Iraq is militarily defeated or Saddam Hussein removed, both Iraq and Iran (which has an equally aggressive record) have the capability--and at the least strong potential--to seriously threaten the Saudis.

Lorenz: No, the U.S. should end the production and sales of these weapons as part of a national program of economic conversion from a militarized economy to an ecologically sustainable economy. More jobs and greater economic security will result. The military budget should be immediately reduced by 50% to provide funds for the needs of people and the environment.

B-2 Bomber Production

Q. Do you favor continued production of the B-2 Stealth bomber beyond the 15 already in production?

Ferguson: No. The B-2 Stealth bomber’s exorbitant cost in excess of $1 billion per plane, balanced against our current fiscal crisis, makes it a luxury we can ill afford. Their questionable performance to date suggests more research is needed before further appropriations for production are considered.

Lagomarsino: Yes, though not the original proposal. Real threats still exist warranting continued reliance on the nuclear triad for deterrence. The B-2 is a key element of a modern airborne leg, replacing three of every 30-year-old, fatigued B-52 bomber with one B-2. The B-2 also meets key conventional needs, as in the Persian Gulf.

Lorenz: No. There are urgent domestic needs that require these funds rather than more unnecessary weapons systems.


Deficit Reduction

Q. President Bush and congressional leaders recently agreed to a compromise package of tax increases and spending cuts designed to reduce the federal budget deficit by $40 billion this fiscal year and $500 billion over the next five years. This deal, if it gains final congressional approval, would increase taxes on gasoline, cigarettes and alcohol; raise Medicare premiums; impose a new tax on luxury goods, and reduce itemized deductions that can be taken by taxpayers with incomes over $100,000. Do you support this plan? If not, why not? What specific actions would you support to cut the federal budget deficit?

Ferguson: No. That plan of tax increases and spending cuts is unfair to the middle-class and working people. I support a progressive alternative that would add $35 billion in cuts to defense (not including operation Desert Shield), $5 billion in added cuts in discretionary domestic spending for the first two years, and an additional $5 billion in cuts in all spending in the final three years. I oppose any increases in Medicare premiums.

Lagomarsino: No. I voted against the Budget Summit Agreement. I support a firm cap on the annual growth in government spending including prudent cuts in defense. Congress can set priorities and raise or cut spending in specific accounts while remaining within the annual limit on spending growth. I support a “pay-as-you-go” provision, ensuring that any spending increase be offset by a corresponding spending decrease.

Lorenz: No, the original plan continued the record high gap between the wealthy and the poor in the U.S. The revised plans only tinker with it. Congress should approve a 50% cut in military spending, institute a progressive income tax and raise the personal exemption to $15,000 per person to help provide basic needs.

Campaign Spending

Q. Do you support efforts to restrict campaign spending and reduce the amount of contributions that can be made by special interest groups?

Ferguson: Yes. I have called on Rep. Lagomarsino for a spending limit of $400,000 each in the 19th Congressional District. Limiting our expenses would ensure an adequate level of communication with the public and at the same time assure voters that they are not simply being bought by the highest bidder. I am committed to demonstrating ethical and responsible leadership in my campaign.


Lagomarsino: Yes. I support the complete elimination of PACs and restricting the amount of funds which can be raised from outside the electoral district. We need to take control back from the special interests and return it to the people who elect their representatives.

Lorenz: Yes. We favor limited public financing of all campaigns. We support upholding Proposition 73. In addition, we favor free, equal media access and the reinstitution of the Fairness Doctrine providing equal time for opposing views.

Campaign Financing

Q. Do you support full or partial taxpayer financing of political campaigns?

Ferguson: I support across-the-board spending limitations on congressional campaigns. I am not in favor of using taxpayer money to finance political campaigns, with the exception of presidential elections.

Lagomarsino: Yes, but only on a voluntary basis through tax credits. Taxpayers should not be forced to contribute to candidates they do not support.

Lorenz: Yes, full taxpayer financing.

Capital Punishment

Q. Do you support capital punishment? If so, do you think it should be imposed on those convicted of importing or selling drugs?


Ferguson: Yes, I support the death penalty as a deterrent to heinous and violent murder in our state. We need to accelerate the apprehension process by helping law enforcement agencies perform their jobs efficiently and by facilitating fair and speedy trails. No, I do not think capital punishment should be imposed on drug dealers.

Lagomarsino: Yes, I have always supported capital punishment. I have voted for the imposition of the death penalty for drug kingpins and those who kill or order killing in drug-related crimes.

Lorenz: No, under no circumstances.


Q. Do you support a woman’s unrestricted right to an abortion within the first three months of pregnancy?

Ferguson: Yes. Pro-choice is fundamentally American. It is basic to our democracy to keep the government from interfering in our personal decisions. It is a right as basic as any of our constitutional rights.

Lagomarsino: No.

Lorenz: Yes. We support a woman’s unrestricted right to a safe, legal abortion.

Abortion Funding

Q. Do you support federal funding of abortions for women who cannot afford them?

Ferguson: Yes. A woman’s access to a safe and legal abortion should not be regulated by the amount of money that she has in her pocketbook. Abortion is not a luxury item. It is a necessary component of a woman’s health care.


Lagomarsino: No. I support federal funding for abortions only in cases where the mother’s life is endangered. Current law permits federal funds to be used for medical treatment to prevent pregnancy in cases of rape and incest.

Lorenz: Yes, as well as federal funding for family planning services.

Unpaid Leave

Q. President Bush in July vetoed legislation that would have required businesses employing at least 50 people to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for childbirth, adoption or serious illness to employees or immediate family members. Do you favor this or similar legislation?

Ferguson: Yes. I believe that providing unpaid leave to workers for the above-mentioned reasons works in both the employer’s and employee’s favor. Employees enjoy a longer employment duration, thus saving employers valuable time and expenditures in training new employees. Employees who do not have to worry about job security will be more productive and will bring both direct and indirect savings to the employer.

Lagomarsino: I support and co-sponsored legislation that encourages businesses to offer these benefits by allowing a 50% tax deduction for the costs incurred. Time off for sick leave, pregnancy leave, a child’s birth or adoption, disability leave and time off to care for a sick spouse, parent or grandparent are worthy and important benefits.

Lorenz: Yes. We favor paid leave in these circumstances.

Oil Exploration

Q. Do you think the present Mideast crisis justifies opening up additional parts of the California coastline to oil exploration?

Ferguson: No. The limited reserves off our coast are not worth the threat to our environment and the ecological cost that would be incurred from the aftermath of an oil spill. We need a renewed effort by the federal government to aid research of alternative energy sources by providing tax credits. We cannot afford the further deterioration of our environment.


Lagomarsino: No, the present Mideast crisis does not justify new offshore development. We do need a comprehensive, national energy strategy stressing oil conservation and development of alternate energy resources. There are many environmentally sensitive areas off the California coast that should never be made available for oil exploration and development.

Lorenz: No. There should be no further oil exploration of new drilling anywhere in the U.S. or coastal waters. We must phase out the use of all fossil fuels in favor of renewable sources, particularly solar, and conservation methods.

Assault Rifle Ban

Q. Do you favor extending President Bush’s ban on the import of semiautomatic assault rifles to the domestic production of such weapons?

Ferguson: Yes. Statistics show that these weapons are being used overwhelmingly in the drug trade. These weapons of destruction are being used against innocent people and to terrorize and destroy neighborhoods.

Lagomarsino: I support and have voted for a ban on the domestic assembly of currently banned imported semiautomatic rifles or shotguns with foreign parts.

Lorenz: Yes, we favor a ban on domestic production and use of these weapons.

Waiting Period

Q. Do you favor a seven-day waiting period for the purchase of handguns to permit background checks on buyers’ criminal and mental health records?


Ferguson: No. A seven-day waiting period is not an adequate period of time to accomplish a thorough background check. I favor a waiting period of approximately 30 days for a thorough background check. I favor a system that would provide a national network as opposed to a local/state check.

Lagomarsino: Yes, and I have so voted.

Lorenz: Yes, in fact, we would recommend a 14-day waiting period as a more effective measure.

Endowment Restrictions

Q. Should Congress impose any content restrictions on obscene or indecent materials in reauthorizing the National Endowment for the Arts?

Ferguson: No. One of our basic tenets as Americans is our right to freedom of expression. This basic right is what sets us apart from much of the rest of the world. Once we allow the government the power to restrict that freedom, we are no longer a free people.

Lagomarsino: Yes. Taxpayers’ money should not be used to subsidize obscene or indecent artwork. The NEA routinely denies funding on the basis of content, artistic merit and budgetary constraints. This represents government spending priorities, not censorship.

Lorenz: No. A free, democratic society must foster the uncensored expression of its artists in all fields.


Arts Support

Q. Do you think the federal government should continue to support the arts through the NEA?

Ferguson: Yes, the federal government should continue to support the National Endowment of the Arts. By doing so, we as a people enjoy the benefits of living in a cultured and civilized society.

Lagomarsino: Yes. The NEA does fund some worthwhile programs. However, NEA funding, as with all government spending, is subject to various conditions and budgetary constraints.

Lorenz: Yes. It is an essential means of support for a wide variety of artists from unknown to well-known.

Civil Rights Legislation

Q. Do you support civil rights legislation passed last month by the House that would give women and blacks who are victims of sexual or racial harassment in the workplace the right to sue their employer in federal court?

Ferguson: Yes, this legislation will make it easier for women and minorities to challenge employment practices that discriminate against them. By providing authorization for compensatory and punitive damage, we can greatly reduce discrimination in the workplace.


Lagomarsino: I support the right of employees to seek relief from their employers in federal court for sexual or racial harassment or discrimination, as provided in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. However, I do not support legislation that would allow for unlimited claims for punitive damages in such cases or imposes quotas.

Lorenz: Yes.

Anti-Crime Legislation

Q. Do you support anti-crime legislation passed by the Senate in July that would re-establish the federal death penalty, limit death-row inmates’ appeals and relax the exclusionary rule that prohibits the use of illegally seized evidence in criminal trials?

Ferguson: No. As earlier stated, I am in favor of the death penalty under narrowly defined circumstances and provided it is administered in a fair manner. I cannot support the exclusionary rule that relaxes the use of illegally seized evidence in criminal court.

Lagomarsino: Yes, and I voted for an even stronger death penalty, habeas corpus reform and exclusionary rule reform in the House.

Lorenz: No. We are opposed to the death penalty and we oppose the use of evidence that is illegally seized.

Immigration Reform

Q. Do you support immigration reform that would increase the number of visas allowed for family members of those who are already in the United States as well as for skilled workers?


Ferguson: Yes. I support reform allowing the unification of family members in the United States. I would not support increases of visas for skilled workers if it directly displaces our domestic labor force.

Lagomarsino: I support much-needed immigration reform and family unification. But, we need to ensure state agencies and local communities are prepared to accommodate new immigrants.

Lorenz: Yes, and we would include unskilled workers as well. We oppose immigration practices that abuse civil liberties or human rights.

Reducing Drug Use

Q. Do you believe our present strategy of criminal prosecution, interdiction of supplies and imprisonment of users and dealers is significantly reducing the level of drug use in the United States? If not, what should be done?

Ferguson: No. Our present strategy has not had a dramatic impact in reducing drug use. There needs to be the certainty that the user and seller will be caught, tried and punished. The key, however, to winning the war on drugs is to eliminate demand. This will be done only when we support sensible programs for drug treatment and education.

Lagomarsino: Yes. Our current plan is working, though there is still more work to do on all fronts: interdiction, law enforcement, prosecution, treatment and education. There is an attitude change, especially among younger Americans, that drug use is not the way to go. We must continue to reinforce that.


Lorenz: No. The federal government must end the practice of profiting from the drug trade as evident in the illegal sale of drugs to help fund the Contras. Our priorities must be on prevention and treatment rather than on prosecution.

Drug Decriminalization

Q. Would you consider supporting the decriminalization of drug use?

Ferguson: No., I do not believe this is a viable answer to America’s drug problem.

Lagomarsino: No. I believe that the legalization of currently illicit drugs will result in an immediate increase in usage and will destroy our current successes in educating younger Americans about the mental, physical and emotional dangers of drug use.

Lorenz: The federal government should initiate a public dialogue on the most feasible plan for the decriminalization of drugs. The “War on Drugs” has failed, turning drug abusers into criminals rather than focusing on education, prevention and treatment.

Limiting Terms

Q. Do you support limiting the number of terms members of Congress can serve? If yes, what should the limits be for members of the House and Senate?

Ferguson: Yes. Congress members should be limited to 12 years or 6 terms. Senators should be limited to 12 years or two terms.


Lagomarsino: Yes. I have introduced legislation to impose a 12-year limit on consecutive service in the House and Senate.

Lorenz: The structural reforms of proportional representation and public financing should allow for higher turnover of elected officials. If this fails, we advocate enforcing limited terms of office to prevent entrenchment of power.

China Trade Status

Q. Should the United States revoke China’s most-favored-nation trading status until the President certifies that China has made specific human rights progress?

Ferguson: Yes. The President should call for a bipartisan commission that will monitor and make recommendations on whether China has made any progress toward human rights.

Lagomarsino: Yes, I would not oppose MFN status based on certified adherence to strict human rights conditions within a short timetable.

Lorenz: Yes. But the Congress should make the decision and apply it equally to all nations based on their human rights record as verified by such organizations as Amnesty International.


Land Exchange

Q. Should the National Park Service exchange 59 acres in Ventura County for about 1,100 acres of the neighboring Jordan Ranch owned by entertainer Bob Hope, permitting park agencies to buy another 4,600 acres of Hope’s land in the Santa Monica and Santa Susana mountains for $10 million? Ferguson: No. It is not good public policy to trade public lands for private lands. The trading of public lands for private property should be subjected to public review boards and not department heads. This process should be monitored closely.

Lagomarsino: I have been a supporter of protection of open space in the Santa Monica Mountains since I co-sponsored the original park proposal. Future action by the NPS at Jordan Ranch should be dependent on zoning decisions by Ventura County.

Lorenz: No.

Income Tax Returns

Q. Are you willing to publicly release your income tax returns and those of your spouse prior to the November election?

Ferguson: Yes.

Lagomarsino: I fully support financial disclosure requirements for income of all types, holdings, outstanding loans or other obligations, positions held and agreements regarding future employment as required by law.

Lorenz: Yes.

Mandatory Ride-Sharing

Q. Do you favor mandatory ride-sharing as a way of meeting federal air pollution standards?

Ferguson: No. I believe there are less-stringent measures for meeting federal air pollution standards, such as creating more fuel-efficient cars and encouraging the use of alternative fuels such as ethanol, methanol and clean-burning reformulated gasoline.


Lagomarsino: No, although I support increased incentives for voluntary ride-sharing.

Lorenz: No, not mandatory for individuals. However, large businesses and government agencies should be required to develop and implement ride-sharing and encourage alternatives to individual automobile use.

Water Pipeline

Q. Do you support a new pipeline linking Ventura County to the state water system that brings water from Northern California? Ferguson: Yes. I support a comprehensive state water plan that ensures that growth will be controlled and our quality of life will be protected. If a state water system is implemented, I would still support and encourage already existing water conservation efforts.

Lagomarsino: Eastern Ventura County already receives state water from Northern California through the State Aqueduct. If the current study shows it is financially feasible and desirable to extend that service across or down the Santa Clara River to Ventura, and the voters support such a plan, I would support it.

Lorenz: No. It would promote excessive growth and development beyond the carrying capacity of the region. We favor a program of water conservation, efficiency and reclamation to meet our short- and long-term water needs in the most ecological and cost-effective way.

CONTENDERSAnita Perez Ferguson, 41, a Democrat, is an education consultant for the Santa Barbara schools. She is a former college administrator and former aide to state Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara).

Robert J. Lagomarsino, 64, a Republican, is the incumbent congressman from Ventura. A ranking member of a House Interior subcommittee and a Foreign Affairs subcommittee, he is seeking his ninth term in the House.


Mindy Lorenz, 44, a Green Party write-in candidate, is a Ventura resident. She is an art history professor at Cal State Northridge and the first congressional candidate for the fledgling Green Party.
