
Landfill Hearings

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The juxtaposition of the two articles “Realtor Convicted on 2 Tax Charges” and “Hearing on Landfill Site Report Scheduled” on Oct. 20 is a sad commentary on priorities in reporting.

We are grappling with a seriously irreversible issue: Shall we fill our endangered and beautiful urban canyons with “killer trash” while we criticize other nations for destroying their rain forests?

Over 80 people signed up to speak at the hearing; only 24 were heard by 10 p.m. We asked for a continuation so that the complex “Integrated Solid Waste Management System” document could have full public review. We also asked for an extended time for written comments so many groups not notified officially could express themselves.


Not one NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard) argument emerged in that meeting. People were opposed to landfills anywhere. Most were supporting recycling now. Veteran community activists are watching this process and wondering if this might not be an initiative issue. Then our elected officials would really find out how their constituents feel.

