
Accident Threatens Opening of ‘Shogun’ : Theater: A falling prop that knocked out the star of the $6-million Broadway production has put the play’s future in doubt.

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From Reuters

A falling piece of scenery that hit the star of “Shogun: the Musical” in the head and knocked him out threatened to delay or possibly even derail the $6-million Broadway production.

A spokeswoman for the producers said today that the accident could delay its scheduled opening Thursday, but she added that the producers were to discuss the show’s future today.

The wayward prop, a large Japanese shoji screen, crashed onto the head of lead actor Philip Casnoff during Tuesday evening’s preview performance. It knocked him out.


Based on James Clavell’s best-selling novel of the same name, the show was scheduled to open Thursday night after two weeks of previews.

Today’s matinee was canceled, and publicist Shirely Herz said Thursday’s opening night might be canceled as well.

“It looks like we might have to put off the opening for a day or two,” she said. Asked if the show might be canceled, she said, “I don’t know. There is a meeting (of the producers) this afternoon.”


The show has a history of troubled tryouts and dramatic changes in cast and structure. Its original lead was dropped after tryouts in Washington, and Casnoff, 33, was hired for the New York run.

“I’m feeling OK. There’s no permanent damage, but I have to speak to a physiotherapist,” Casnoff said by telephone from an emergency room at St. Vincent’s Hospital.

“I’ve got a lot of pain in my shoulder and neck and a head wound.

“I’ll make a decision on my own about when to go back. Right now I just don’t know. Frank Rich (the powerful theater critic of the New York Times) was there last night, so it’s a drag.”


Sandra Drayer, a member of the audience, said, “We all thought it was part of the show. When we realized what had happened, everyone was in shock.”

Two doctors in the audience rushed to the stage to help.

The performance was canceled, and the audience, which included several Broadway critics preparing reviews, were asked to leave.

When asked if “Shogun,” which has 100 people in the company, might open with an understudy in the lead, Herz replied, “No. That’s not very likely.”

Casnoff was about to launch into a song titled “Death Walk” with about a dozen of the 34 cast members when the screen struck him on the side of the head and thrust him into the orchestra pit.

Casnoff has also starred in the British musical “Chess” and the television miniseries “North and South.”
