
Defeat of Liquor Tax Propositions

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I have a suggestion for supporters of the Prop. 134 and/or environmental initiatives. It also would apply to those who are in favor of the causes, but not the costs.

For those worried about the environment, buy only recycled/recyclable paper products and biodegradable household cleaning products; recycle newspapers, cans, bottles and plastic foam and bags (even if you are not paid); collect “warm-up” water and other relatively clean water and use it to water plants and flush toilets, and contribute your money and efforts to the environmental organizations that are closest to your beliefs.

For those worried about the alcohol problem: Contribute to Mothers Against Drunk Driving and other organizations against alcohol abuse; work through your PTAs and school boards to initiate or expand abuse programs in schools, and set a good example for your own children.


Not all important advances spring from the ballot box, and there’s always 1992.

