
Settlement Reached in Mobile Home Park Suit

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The owners of a former Van Nuys mobile home park have agreed to pay $250,000 to tenants who claimed that the landlords allowed conditions to deteriorate while waiting to convert the property into an industrial park, letting weeds grow tall and allowing 100 feral cats to roam the park.

Each of the 12 former tenants of the Young Haven Mobile Home Park who filed a joint lawsuit last year will receive about $15,000 under a settlement approved in Van Nuys Superior Court last week. The tenants also have received up to $30,000 each in relocation costs, rent subsidies for a year and reimbursement for their mobile homes under a separate agreement two years ago.

David A. Parker said that when he and his partners purchased the park “the city told us it would be no problem to close it, but it took four years. It cost us $10,000 a month to operate in the meantime. We couldn’t afford a full-time gardener.”
