
Pete Schabarum on Term Limits

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With outrage I read of plans by Willie Brown and company to use court challenges to overturn Prop. 140. Just who do these people think they are?

I didn’t vote for 140 because I felt it to be a bit too Draconian (as I also had my doubts about Prop. 103 a couple of years ago). Still, it really galls me to think that once the voters pass a referendum, the politicians in Sacramento can so cavalierly work to undo it. Are they not supposed to be serving us, the voters? I’m rather glad it did pass now. These jerks should be thrown out, and the sooner the better.

I only hope that the voters in the districts that elect these Neanderthal creatures to the Legislature (which includes my own assemblyman, Gil Ferguson) will one day wake up and see how we are all being given the shaft. Until then, I guess that people get the kind of government that they deserve.



Newport Beach
