
Mayor Bradley’s Appointees and Fund-Raising

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Your editorial “Send Your Donations to City Hall” (Nov. 14) pins the blame on the wrong people. Mayor Bradley is the man in charge and he is the one who should be in the hot seat. He ran three separate campaigns from City Hall and each time his lackeys pulled the same stunts. While he may feign ignorance of the intimate details of his aides’ illegal activities, he cannot deny that he knew something was going on.

You recommend that city employees who did work on Bradley’s campaign on city time reimburse the city. Why should an appointee or an office clerk who was directed to work on a Bradley campaign be fined for misuse of city funds? The unusually high number of anonymous tipsters The Times has quoted in the two prior stories on this matter should leave little doubt that intimidation and coercion were used to get city workers to cooperate. City employees, afraid of losing their jobs, should not be required to pay Bradley’s campaign tab.

If anyone is to blame in this matter, it is clearly the man at the top. Bradley is where it belongs logically, legally and morally. The facts The Times has uncovered are enough to demand an end to Tom Bradley’s corrupt regime. Do us all a favor and “just do it.”


SEAN McCARTHY, Los Angeles
