
Police Check of Bodybuilders

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I can’t support The Times’ editorial “Case of Mistaken Identity” (Nov. 16), especially when you feel security officers should apologize for confronting two questionable-looking individuals who happen to be using a ladies restroom, but who just happened to be women themselves. Won’t we admit that security personnel are trained to spot unconventional appearances/behavior to protect other women using the restroom, and if the two people the officers stopped just happened to be a team of men plotting a robbery or rape, the press would instead be praising the officers’ caution.

Southern California was able to see the women bodybuilders on TV news, and--sorry ladies--anybody would have stopped them near a ladies restroom! Society must be honest with itself. If we can expect sexist charges every time a woman is approached, we are in big trouble. Society didn’t choose their appearance, and surely other women on the scene had to be grateful the two were checked out. Let’s be honest; they might have been men bent on violence, and our wives and daughters might have been there. It’s happened before--but this time security said no.

