
Metro Rail Cost Overruns

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The old story that high gasoline taxes and a good transportation system will get the cars off the streets is a myth. Visit Paris (with the best subway system of any city, and $4 per gallon gasoline), or Rome (where gas is about $5 per gallon, but the subway system is not so great), and you will see that driving and parking in any city in the United States is a “walk in the park” by comparison.

People who work in a city, or who go there regularly on business, should not be allowed to drive there. Parking lots and parking garages should be for people who have business in that city that day, and for tourists.

And by the way, why do we have a concentration of large office buildings in a downtown, anyway?


In addition, only automobiles with the license plate of the state or country where a toll road exists, plus commercial vehicles, should be required to pay the toll. That should apply to California, Pennsylvania, France, Italy or any other place. Only people who are responsible for that government should have to pay the toll. When they travel in states or countries without toll roads, they ride free, so there should be reciprocity!


La Quinta
