
We sometimes fantasize about dancing with unbounded...

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We sometimes fantasize about dancing with unbounded freedom, the kind of exuberant movement seen in a Jules Feiffer character sensing the approach of spring, or Snoopy atop his doghouse when he senses the approach of dinner. Instead, our style more resembles that of a friend’s young son, who, when the music starts, looks like a wayward sumo wrestler (minus 400 or so pounds) as he squats, bounces and plants his left foot, then the right. But at least he laughs. We don’t even smile. Call us uptight. Which is why we can appreciate the Synapse Dance Theater, Santa Monica College’s student modern dance ensemble, which will present original works Dec. 6-11 in the college’s Studio Stage, 1900 Pico Blvd. For performance times and ticket information, call (213) 452-9214.
