
Slaying of 3 Israelis Sets Off Anti-Arab Rioting

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From Times Wire Services

Three Israelis were stabbed to death Friday at an aluminum factory in the mixed Jewish-Arab coastal town of Jaffa, sparking violent attacks against Arabs and Arab-owned vehicles in Jaffa and nearby Tel Aviv.

Police blamed two Palestinian brothers from the occupied Gaza Strip--suspected Muslim fundamentalists--for the factory slayings. But no suspects were arrested.

Dozens of angry Israelis, reinforced by supporters of the right-wing Kach movement of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, chanted “Death to the Arabs!” and “Revenge!” They smashed car windows and set one vehicle on fire.


One Arab was stabbed in the head and hospitalized, and police detained at least 16 Israelis as a result of attacks against Arabs, Army Radio reported. Police broke up much of the violence as the Jewish Sabbath began Friday evening.

Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, returning from the United States, called the factory slayings “gruesome” and said “appropriate measures” will be taken.

Police said the three Jews--two men and a woman--were killed by multiple stab wounds, and one witness described the weapon as a “long commando knife.”

According to reports by police and witnesses, two plant employees--secretary Iris Asraf, 22, and metal-cutter Moshe Awan, 40--entered the factory about 7 a.m. with the two Palestinians and were then killed. A third Israeli, Yehoshua Hakmaz, 30, working at a nearby company, was killed after he heard the others’ cries and came to their aid.
