
Term Limits

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In a recent edition, you printed a letter from a reader supporting Proposition 140 and suggesting I also propose term limits on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and create an elected county executive.

Earlier this year, in fact, I did bring a proposal to the board in support of term limits, but, not surprisingly, didn’t even receive a second to the motion. I am told by county counsel that the Legislature would have to impose the limits, since state law precludes local boards of supervisors from establishing their own terms. I am hopeful, with the passage of 140, I can get enough support in the Legislature to impose such limits.

I support term limits for all levels of government.

I also agree that an elected county executive is needed. Again, I have not been able to get the support of my colleagues on the board to put the proposal on the ballot.


PETE SCHABARUM, Supervisor, First District, Los Angeles County
