
WORLD : Romania Official Quits Over King

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<i> From Times Wire Services </i>

Culture Minister Andrei Plesu said today that he is resigning over the government’s decision to expel ex-King Michael last week.

Plesu told Bucharest radio he had tendered his resignation to Premier Petre Roman to protest what he called a “communication crisis within the government.”

Plesu, who was unavailable for comment, said his resignation was not politically motivated.


“I was faced with a situation in which the government has taken decisions and issued communiques without consulting all its members,” Plesu said in the broadcast.

Plesu said that Roman has not accepted his resignation and that it will be discussed at the next Cabinet meeting.

On Christmas Day the 69-year-old former monarch arrived in his native land after 43 years of exile but was expelled less than 12 hours later by the Romanian authorities who said he did not have an entry visa.
