
Libraries : La Habra : Rented Out at Store? Just Borrow a Video

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There is more to a library than books. There are videos--lots of them--and they seem to be the popular choice at the La Habra Public Library, which boasts the highest videocassette circulation in the 27-branch county library system.

A corner near the circulation desk looks more like a video rental store than a library with its large cardboard displays--which the library gets because of the high quantity of films it orders.

On hand are almost 2,000 titles including foreign films, classics, feature movies, documentaries and instructional videos.


“The feature and children’s films seem to circulate the most,” said branch manager Terri Garza. “By the end of day, the shelves are empty.” She added that “how to” videos are hot items as well.

Also popular are Spanish-language films, and the library has a diverse selection--some have English subtitles--that caters to the city’s large Latino community.

Although the library does not have anywhere near the supply of feature movies as the video stores in the city, three videos can be checked out for free for up to two days with a library card.
