
CLIPBOARD : Home Sale Prices

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There was good news and bad news in November for county residents trying to sell their homes. The average price of new and used homes and condominiums sold in November blipped upward from October (though the increase was less than a half of 1%). The bad news: average prices were nearly 3% below last November. In fact, Orange County’s average, although the highest in dollar terms, was the lowest in the Southern California five-county area compared to last November. Here’s how the individual counties compared:

% Change From November October November October November County 1989 1990 1990 1990 1989 Los Angeles $230,529 $226,116 $225,600 * -2.1 Orange 246,442 236,421 239,671 +1.4 -2.7 Riverside 143,733 150,891 151,412 * +5.3 San Bernardino 139,029 139,584 141,590 +1.4 +1.8 San Diego 187,586 193,483 189,116 -2.3 +0.8 Five-County Area $202,912 $202,913 $203,264 * *

* Less than one-half of 1% Source: TRW Real Estate Information Services
