
U.S. Readiness in Persian Gulf

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Now that a general of our Persian Gulf forces has told our secretary of defense in clear, blunt language that any invasion effort prior to February is simply not viable, how will our “kinder, gentler” President react? Will he, like his spokesman, try to explain that what the general really meant was something other than what he said and go right on beefing up his war threat? If so, that would mean that our Administration does not trust our military commanders to communicate clearly, and that’s scary!

Or will the President take advantage of this extra time to press for a negotiated settlement? If George Bush is smart enough to talk the U.N. Security Council into supporting his gulf intervention, surely he can talk Hussein into a peaceful solution.

In civilized circles, disputes are settled intellectually. Surely these two heads of states are not intellectually incompetent. Are they?



Laguna Hills
