
BUENA PARK : Officer Convicted of Theft on Duty

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A Buena Park police officer was convicted Friday of stealing almost $1,000 from a Garden Grove apartment where he and other officers were carrying out a search warrant.

Just after John Thomas Mallos was convicted of grand theft, his wife became hysterical, yelling obscenities at the judge and one of the prosecutors. The woman’s outburst brought more than a dozen uniformed deputy marshals into the courtroom before she calmed down.

Mallos, 31, who had been suspended from the Police Department pending the outcome of the case, was accused of stealing a $660 money order and $300 in cash from the apartment.


Mallos denied taking the $300 and the money order but admitted he did cash the money order. He testified that he found it near his desk at the Police Department.

Mallos said he did not turn it over to his superiors, but cashed it with the knowledge that he would be caught because he had to sign his name on it.

Mallos said he was undergoing stress on the job.

It was Mallos’ second trial for the offense, which could result in a sentence ranging from probation to three years in prison.


The first trial ended in a hung jury in August when four jurors refused to convict him.

The money was stolen from Doris Smith, who reported the theft to the Police Department immediately after her house was searched.

Neither the money nor the money order turned up on the search warrant report stating what was taken from the home.

Mallos was the officer assigned to search the part of the apartment where the money was kept. The investigation of the theft focused on Mallos after the money order showed he had cashed it.


The court clerk was reading the verdict Friday when the outburst by Mallos’ wife, Alexandra, occurred. She moved in the direction of one of the prosecutors, who had originally filed the case, but then turned and left the courtroom before anyone could restrain her.

Later, Superior Court Judge John M. Watson ordered the woman back into the courtroom and threatened to find her in contempt of court if she caused another such disturbance.

Mallos, who is free on his own recognizance, will return to court Feb. 8 for sentencing.

Buena Park police officials said they would have a comment on Mallos’ status on Monday.
