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There are so few articles about women in the general press. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t feel so disgruntled that the Los Angeles Times Magazine chose Patricia Kluge (“The Perils of Patricia,” Nov. 18) as a Rare Female Person of Sufficient Note to Profile in the Media. One wonders why.

The lady’s most striking characteristic is a profound shallowness. In her youth, she discovers that soft porn is more lucrative and gratifying than clerical work. Wow, what an insight!

She goes on to become important by the unique means of marrying a guy who has a lot of money. Quelle accomplishment!

Then we learn how stressful life is now that she’s lost her identity as Somebody’s Wife. This is not news.


Finally, the destined “great lady” commands inordinate amounts of the planet’s labor and resources in the service of an ostentatious home and in producing horse doody that doesn’t smell bad. What achievement!


