
Raising Cain

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I have just returned from spending a year in some of the Soviet, non-Russian republics. The elegant Russian menu you featured in your New Year’s Eve article (Dec. 29) is not Russian. “Pirozhok,” “Golubtsy” and “Hot Borszcz” are simply Russiafied versions of Ukrainian foods. Credit should be given where it is due, and these foods were “stolen” by Russians and are being represented as their own. You owe the Ukrainians an apology for Russiafying their foods. The Diaghilev Restaurat of the Bel Age Hotel is pulling a fast one on the L.A. public.

Believe me, I have researched this in the original languages. And, by the way, hospitals never have tomatoes in them, seeded or otherwise.

I plan to call the Diaghilev and raise cain with them, too.


Las Vegas, Nev.
