
Good Poison

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Thank you for your story by Daniel P. Puzo (Nov. 29), which brought David Steinman’s book, “Diet for a Poisoned Planet” to my attention.

It is amazing how the profit motive rules over health in America. It is even more amazing that the Bush Administration would allow itself to be lobbied by the big chemical companies to continue to use pesticides on foods when the literature is jammed with documentation that these substances are causing harm in the population.

Hooray for Lone Ranger David Steinman for writing “Diet for a Poisoned Planet.” Hooray to Crown Books for publishing it. Perhaps free speech and good intentions still ride the range in America.


An onion to former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop for coming out against this book when so many of us are plagued with food allergies or food intolerances.

America, wake up. You have to stop bowing down to the god of money. Try standing up for clean, safe food!

--L. L. TOTH, PH.D.

Los Angeles
