
COUNTYWIDE : ‘Alphabet Caller’ Terrorizes Women

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A man dubbed the “Alphabet Caller” by police has made calls to more than 200 Ventura County women and threatened the lives of their husbands, authorities said Wednesday.

The caller apparently selects married women by checking the phone book for husbands and wives whose first names are listed, Ventura Police Detective Jeanne Boger said.

He usually starts off by saying, “I have your husband with a gun to his head,” Boger said.

The caller then either hangs up, makes more threats or talks about sexual matters, Boger said.


Some of the women called police to report a crank call. Others, unable to reach their husbands, became alarmed for their husbands’ safety and called for help, Boger said.

“It’s very strange and very terrifying,” she said.

Women in all cities in the county have been victimized and women in Los Angeles County have received similar calls, she said.

Police are urging women not to alert the caller that they know of him. The more calls he makes, the closer police get to apprehending him, Boger said. She said women who receive calls should notify their law enforcement agency.
