
Parades Take Cash Needed Elsewhere

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I read with interest the article about the possible demise of the Carson float in the Rose Bowl parade (Times, Dec. 13). With the worsening economic conditions, it would not be surprising if other South Bay cities followed suit.

I’m well aware many social, religious groups, etc., obtain funds through their volunteers who decorate the floats. However, I question whether the taxpayer should continue to subsidize these floats. I have never seen an article about the economic impact on the economy of the sponsoring cities. Maybe it’s about time the floats are supported by private and commercial interests only.

Incidentally, as a Korean War veteran, I also question subsidizing the Torrance Armed Forces Day Parade. I recognize the tremendous efforts of all veterans, especially WWII vets. I know a couple who have not missed a parade in 20 years. But I think it’s time to look to the present and the future and not to the past. The tax funds should be invested in education, the poor, homeless, etc., (rather) than paying for the parade cost.



