
SAN CLEMENTE : King-Size Mess Seen on El Camino Real

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Southern California Gas Co. officials have announced plans to tear up two miles of the city’s main thoroughfare as part of a project to replace an aging gas pipeline.

Work on four-lane El Camino Real, scheduled to begin by March, is expected to cause traffic rerouting and the loss of curb parking in the city’s primary commercial district for up to 40 working days, said Gail Roseen, spokeswoman for Southern California Gas Co.

The project involves digging a trench down the middle of El Camino Real, between Avenida Pico and Avenida San Juan, to replace a pre-World War II pipe with a 12-inch line, Roseen said.


Brian Rice, a former city councilman and new president of the Downtown Business Assn., said company and city officials are working on plans to minimize the impact on local merchants.

To get the word out to businesses and the public, the plans will be discussed at two meetings: The Economic Development Committee for the Chamber of Commerce will meet at 7:30 a.m. today at Bogey’s Golf Course Restaurant, 150 E. Avenida Magdalena, and a joint meeting of city and gas company officials is scheduled for 7 p.m. Jan. 17 at City Hall, 100 Avenida Presidio.
