
Lobster Dinner

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When it was reported that the staff at St. Vincent de Paul-Joan Kroc Center had consumed the lobster donated by Lubach’s restaurant several weeks ago, it was not true. But, even if it were, would that be so bad?

Let’s look at some facts. I am sorry to say that my staff, as well as the staffs of almost all social service agencies, are paid a lower wage than in almost any other comparable industry. This is a function partly of our agency incomes being derived mostly from donated or governmental sources, and the fact that these sources are motivated to give to those with the lowest ratio of administrative-to-service costs. Most of my staff members must hold two jobs to live, and some are probably eligible for some of the services provided by these same social service agencies.

Most households look forward to Christmas as a time to spend with family, to relax, to even take some time off from work. I have been in this line of work for 20 years, and I approach each Christmas with a certain amount of dread, because for us it is a series of crises, a time when there are never enough resources and never enough hours in the day. It is a time when our beepers go off constantly day and night.


We operate 365 days a year, and I haven’t had a Christmas Day off in as long as I can remember, nor Thanksgiving, nor even Halloween.

My staff is as dedicated a group of people as could be imagined. There is not one of them who could not be earning more money elsewhere. They are not asking for a pat on the back, nor are they looking for sympathy. I think that theirs is a labor of love, or they wouldn’t be here. They are the conscience of society. They do all year what most people think to do only at Christmas--that is, to give of themselves.

When we had a party for the staff prior to Christmas, it was a way of telling them that their efforts were appreciated, not only by the center, but by the residents of this city, whom they ultimately serve.


No, there was no lobster served; what they got was leftovers from the residents’ lunch: gumbo and some shrimp. But you know something? In hindsight, I wish we had served the lobster. I personally do not think it would have been inappropriate; and, if I had to guess, I don’t think that the donor or the residents would have thought so, either.

HARVEY MANDEL, Assistant Director, St. Vincent de Paul-Joan Kroc Center
