
Alcohol Ban on Beach

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It may be that alcohol and rowdiness have been problems at the La Jolla Shores Beach. If so, then the ban that was enacted to address that problem was appropriate.

At the same time, there are many miles of beaches in San Diego, some of which are much more “local” in their patronage.

As an example, I have lived in the vicinity of the Windansea since 1972. My family and I frequently have enjoyed a sunset barbecue accompanied by beer or a glass (plastic of course) of wine on such occasions. We have not been aware of any major problems in this particular stretch of beach.


Since laws, no matter how well intentioned, inevitably limit peoples’ choices, they should be enacted only when there is an incontrovertible public benefit. In the case of alcohol and beaches, this issue should be decided on a case-by-case basis, as was done for La Jolla Shores. If there are other beaches and parks that are in trouble, then let us move to correct those problems.

Let us not, however, resort to “knee-jerk” prior restraint, which unnecessarily restricts the freedom of ordinary law-abiding citizens, while at the same time diverting already scarce dollars into an area of enforcement which can hardly be regarded as a high priority for a budget-strapped city.

