
CASITAS SPRINGS : 2 Agencies Vie for Projects at Same Site

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Officials from Ventura County and the Casitas Municipal Water District are wrangling over which agency can build its project in Foster Park.

The county Parks Department wants to build a snack bar, rest area and small horse arena for equestrians who use the Ojai Valley Trail. The nine-mile bike and bridle trail starts at Foster Park in Casitas Springs and winds along California 33 to Ojai.

The water district says it needs to build a 6,400-square-foot pumping station near the start of the trail. It would be used to deliver water from a $27.5-million treatment plant proposed near Casitas Dam. The park site is the only one presented in the environmental study released last month.


“We were really shocked. It is pretty presumptuous of them to plan a pump site there without even consulting the county,” county Parks Manager Andy Oshita said.

Richard Hajas, the water district’s assistant manager, said Casitas has deeded rights to most of the land for the pump station and already has a structure there. It houses water pipes that direct Lake Casitas water south to Ventura and north into Ojai Valley.

“We discussed the site with the county over a year ago, and they told us they also had plans for the site. It shouldn’t be a surprise,” Hajas said.


“It will severely impact our plans that are about 80% complete,” Oshita said.

Another problem could develop for the county’s plans. According to a recent Casitas report, any new water service to Foster Park for the snack bar could violate the district’s moratorium on new or expanded hookups.
