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President Bush, in a TV address to the nation: “The battle has been joined. We will not fail.”

Saddam Hussein, in a radio broadcast aimed at President Bush: “If you believe that the (Iraqi) ground forces can be neutralized, then you are deluding yourself.”

Dick Cheney, U.S. Defense Secretary, commenting on the early stages of Operation Desert Storm: “So far, so good.”


Sen. Sam Nunn, (D-Ga.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee: “Saddam Hussein has made a tragic miscalculation.”

Gordon Bonnyman, Vietnam veteran: “I think this is a tragic day for the world and a tragic day for the United States. I think we will lose this war whether we win it or not.”

Rev. Billy Graham: “There come times when we must fight for peace. I pray we will be on God’s side.”


President Bush: “It is my hope that somehow the Iraqi people can, even now, convince their dictator that he must lay down his arms.”

Saddam Hussein: “The great showdown has begun! The mother of all battles is under way.”
