
VENTURA : Schools to Get 10% of Business’s Profits

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After hearing more and more bad news about cuts to public education funding, Ventura businessman Ron Hathway decided to do something to help schools.

Hathway, owner of a Ventura construction firm, has pledged 10% of the profits from jobs in Ventura County to the nearest local school district, starting with Ventura Unified.

School funding was cut statewide by $462 million last year, and projections for the next budget forecast the suspension of Proposition 98, which guarantees about 40% of state revenue to public schools.


“We’re always hearing about no money for schools, and I have a lot of concern for kids,” said Hathway, 40, a graduate of Buena High School who has no children of his own. Hathway said his concern grew after a discussion about a projected shortage of educated workers at a business conference.

Hathway is not increasing his prices to cover the donations, a question he said arose when some of his customers heard about his plan, he said. “It’s coming out of my pocket, not theirs,” he said.

Hathway said he also plans to give 10% of his earnings to local schools from jobs he has in other cities, including Oxnard, Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks. He estimates his total donation to schools this year will be about $8,000.


“We really welcome and appreciate his generosity,” said Ventura Unified Assistant Supt. Joseph Spirito. “Whenever anyone donates money, whether it’s a PTA or a businessman like Mr. Hathway, we certainly appreciate it. We can use all the help we can get.”
