
DEAR ANN LANDERS:I just found out that...

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I just found out that you’re speaking at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday in the San Gabriel Civic Auditorium on Mission Drive.

I’m one of the estimated 90 million people who read your column every day. You’re the most popular syndicated newspaper columnist in the world.

It seems as though I’ve known you all my life. I too was born in Iowa. I even know that your real name is Esther P. Lederer. I supported your move to the rival Chicago Tribune, after 31 years at the Chicago Sun-Times. I was proud when I found out that you were just a housewife when you won a contest in 1955 and took over the personal-advice column. I also read Dear Abby, the column your twin sister writes.


After years of following you, I’ve never heard you speak. I want to attend the 23rd annual Celebrity Series sponsored by the San Marino Guild of Huntington Memorial Hospital to hear yourlecture but, I can’t. I’ve used all my sick days at work and just returned from a monthlong vacation.

I thought about going to lunch early, but I get only 30 minutes. I work in Big Pines. So, what do you suggest I do? Should I lie to my boss and tell him that I have a doctor’s appointment? Or just take the day off without pay?

--TORN IN BIG PINES, CALIF. DEAR TORN: Thanks for the kudos. You are a true fan. I’m sorry to hear about your dilemma but, don’t lie to your boss. You may run into him at the auditorium.


If you really want to attend, just take the day off without pay. I’m sure my lecture dealing with “common sense” will be rewarding. It will also be for a good cause. All the proceeds from the $15 tickets (you can get them by calling (818) 286-7754 or at the auditorium box office) go to the Pediatric Pavilion at Huntington.
