
THE GULF WAR : The Day in the Gulf

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* THE MISSILE WAR: Iraqi Scud missiles streaking toward two Saudi Arabian cities were destroyed by U.S. Patriot air defenses.

* CASUALTIES UPDATE: Since the war’s start, one American has been killed and 12 were missing in action, Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf said. Nine members of other allied forces also have been killed or missing in action.

* THE GENERAL’S VIEW: Iraq’s four primary nuclear research facilities were crippled by air raids, Gen. Schwarzkopf said.


* ADDING A CARRIER: A seventh aircraft carrier, the Forrestal, is being sent to the region from Florida. It will go to the central Mediterranean Sea to help protect Israel.

* THE AIR WAR: Pounding of Baghdad and other Iraqi cities continued, with sorties now totaling 7,000. Five Iraqi planes were downed Sunday, for a total of 15.

* HUSSEIN SPEAKS OUT: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein gave a defiant speech on radio, saying his forces “are fighting with heroism and courage which is unprecedented in the history of war.”


* THE PRESIDENT: President Bush, at Camp David, Md., received a war briefing from Brent Scowcroft, his national security adviser, and was keeping in touch with the White House situation room by telephone.

* CONGRESS: Congressional leaders supported a vigorous air war. House Speaker Thomas Foley and Senate Armed Services Committee chairman Sam Nunn supported continuation of bombing without pause.

* POLLS: Americans remain upbeat, but two out of three worry that fighting will spread, the Gallup Poll and CNN reported.
