
Money for Malathion Suit Nearly Gone, Lawyer Says

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Money put away for Los Angeles’ malathion lawsuit is nearly gone and funding must be replenished or the suit will be abandoned, a lawyer coordinating the case says.

“We got what we feel is most of what we need to go forward with the main causes of action, but basically we have spent the money the (city) council has already appropriated,” said Deputy City Atty. Keith Pritsker.

Pritsker said he will report to the City Council in a few weeks. It allocated $185,000 in July for the action filed in February. The city sued to stop aerial malathion spraying over neighborhoods. Glendale and Burbank joined the suit and contributed about $12,000.


The complaint named former Gov. George Deukmejian, state Department of Food and Agriculture and county Board of Supervisors as defendants. It alleges that spraying violated state environmental laws and residents’ civil rights.

Aerial spraying ended in November.
