
Gallegly Bill Would Punish Cities Harboring Deserters

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Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) said he introduced legislation Wednesday to cut off federal funds to cities that offer sanctuary to U.S. military personnel fleeing service in the Persian Gulf War.

Gallegly, a conservative Republican who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, said San Francisco, Berkeley and the Humboldt County city of Arcata have passed such resolutions.

“Once again, several cities with their own radical foreign policies have taken it upon themselves to declare that they will offer sanctuary to people who break the law,” Gallegly said.


“Such action is a slap in the face to the brave Americans now risking their lives in the Middle East, and I believe that cities that adopt such policies have forfeited their right to receive federal tax dollars.”

Gallegly said the federal government already suspends highway funds to states that refuse to enforce speed limits or toughen drunk driving laws. He said the war justifies similar sanctions against cities that harbor military deserters.

The legislation was co-sponsored by eight other representatives, including Reps. Carlos J. Moorhead (R-Glendale) and Robert J. Lagomarsino (R-Ventura).
