
Vote to Allow Fund-Raiser Ends Rubber-Duck Flap

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A flap over what impact rubber ducks could have on Santa Monica Bay ended peacefully Tuesday night when Redondo Beach City Council members voted to allow a duck derby fund-raiser to proceed as planned. The June 29 fund-raiser call for the dumping of up to 20,000 of the little yellow tub toys in the ocean near the Redondo Beach Pier.

Plans call for the coastal cities unit of the American Cancer Society to collect donations for each numbered duck before the flock is set afloat. In return, the first ducks to bob ashore will win their sponsors a prize, ranging from exotic trips to appliances and new cars.

The City Council initially approved the project, but conservationists warned that a passing marine mammal might try to ingest the fake fowl, or that the toys might escape to become clumps of yellow coastline trash. But the council was assured that the ducks would be safely herded inside giant floating oil booms.
