
Veterinarian Defended, Criticized

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In the story on Dr. George Shaw, Amy Pyle wrote “in interviews this month, former customers and ex-employees . . . became quickly disillusioned with his work and complained to the state.”

Ms. Pyle said nothing about interviews with his present customers. I am a present customer of long standing and I am not disillusioned with Dr. Shaw. Nearly all of my pets, feathered and furred, have been or are clients of Dr. Shaw. I do not find the doctor “outdated.”

The three examples of problems he had, one cat and two dogs, seem a small percentage of the pets he has seen over all the years. I have cats; none of them died of chemotherapy. I have dogs; none lost a toe.


My poodle broke her leg in a nasty accident, but today prances around as good as ever, thanks to Dr. Shaw.

Almost immediately after the story appeared, a person or persons unknown (no doubt of impeccable Christian moral character) elected to splash the word “butcher” all over the doctor’s clinic window. Was this in the Sun Valley of today or Germany of the 1930s?

While some may sneer at Dr. Shaw’s “country doctor” approach to his practice, the fact is he is in the country, and seems to charge for services according to the client’s ability to pay. We need more country-doctor vets.


BOB MULLEN, Lake View Terrace
