
PIRU : 1 Killed, 3 Injured in 2-Car Collision

A woman was killed and three other people injured Saturday in a two-car collision on California 126, a Ventura County Sheriff’s Department spokesman said.

Their identities were not revealed until their families could be notified.

At 4:20 p.m., a compact car traveling east near the Los Angeles County line spun out and struck the car behind it, the spokesman said.

The compact car was split in half, hurling debris onto the other car, an Oldsmobile Toronado, and all four people were thrown from their cars, he said. A woman passenger in the compact car was pronounced dead at the scene, a California Highway Patrol spokesman said. The driver of that car was taken to Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Valencia. Both people in the Toronado were taken to Santa Paula Memorial Hospital and were reported in stable condition Saturday evening.
