
AIDS Funds

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We are already at war. A decade ago a virus invaded America. It has killed more than 100,000 men, women and children--a carnage exceeding the death totals of Korea and Vietnam combined. It has fatally wounded 2 million to 4 million more Americans. It kills a person of color every hour and wounds another every minute. One in 61 babies born in New York City has this virus at birth. More than 15,000 women currently are dying from it. More than 19,000 Californians are already dead.

I demand a reality check by George Bush. We shall not have a country “wealthy” enough to sacrifice its youth in foreign deserts if we continue ignoring AIDS at home. Why is there unlimited money for killing but not even $1 billion for AIDS care?

The consequences are chilling. America faces a future of economic collapse and pandemic illness because of the homophobic folly of Reagan-Bush machismo. When will our citizens come first?


ROBERT BIRCH, Northridge
