
SAN CLEMENTE : Council OKs Plans to Conserve Water

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The City Council recently voted to adopt five water conservation programs as required under a statewide plan.

Water-saving plans include:

* Retrofitting homes built before 1980 with water-saving plumbing devices, a project that is under way and will continue through 1994.

* Revising city landscaping requirements to include more use of drought-tolerant plants.

* Expanding a program to reuse treated sewage water, known as reclaimed water.

* Installing toilets that use less water, which by 1992 will be required by law in all new homes.


* Auditing industrial and commercial businesses to make sure they are not wasting large amounts of water.

These projects will take place between now and 1994, with details to be worked out by the City Council and city staff, said Greg Morehead, utilities manager.

The water-saving requirements are state-mandated for any community with more than 3,000 people, according to the Urban Water Management Plan established in 1985.


In a related item, the council has also approved $117,000 for a study on expanding the use of reclaimed water in the city. Reclaimed water is sewage water that is chemically treated so it can be used for irrigation, but is not drinkable.

The city has used reclaimed water on its municipal golf course for more than 30 years, and plans are under way to use it for dust control on home construction sites and on the new Pacific Golf Club golf course, Morehead said.
