
Heavyweight Tucker Tests Positive for Marijuana After Forum Fight

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Heavyweight boxer Tony Tucker, who scored a first-round victory at the Forum Monday night, was positive for marijuana in his postfight drug test, the State Athletic Commission said Thursday.

Tucker, the International Boxing Federation champion until Mike Tyson defeated him in 1987, stopped Lionel Washington in 1 minute 11 seconds. Tucker, 32, has had a series of cocaine abuse problems and was making a comeback under new management.

“He tested positive for a small amount of marijuana, which means he’s temporarily suspended pending the result of the backup test of the urine sample,” said Steve English, the commission’s assistant executive officer.


Tucker’s manager, Los Angeles real estate investor Jack Cohen, said Tucker denied using marijuana. “He said he is absolutely clean; he told me he had not used marijuana,” Cohen said.

If Tucker’s backup sample also tests positive, English said, he must appear at the March 15 Commission meeting in Sacramento, where he could face a continued suspension and a fine.

If he remains under California suspension, Tucker would not be permitted to box in any other state.


“The doctor who called me said Tony had tested positive for the lowest possible amount of marijuana,” Cohen said.
