
Upjohn Co.: The Kalamazoo, Mich.-based company recorded...

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From Times Staff and Wire Reports

Upjohn Co.: The Kalamazoo, Mich.-based company recorded net income of $121 million for the fourth quarter, contrasted with a net loss of $117.6 million in the 1989 period. Sales for the period were $798.7 million, an increase of 17.5% over the 1989 quarter, which included a charge for the sale of Upjohn HealthCare Services Inc. For 1990, the company posted a profit of $455.7 million, up 158% over 1989. Sales totaled $3.02 billion, up 11%. Upjohn, which provides human and animal health-care products, vegetable seeds and specialty chemicals, attributed the results to growth in product sales, including the anti-inflammatory agent Ansaid and the anti-baldness treatment Rogaine.

Tables, D16
