
Ideas on How to Cut Oil Dependency Range From Pedal Power to the Power of the Ballot

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I agree with S. J. Diamond that conserving energy is a good way for Americans to back up our troops in the Mideast, “For Starters, Let’s Cut Oil Consumption” (Jan. 25).

We would also serve ourselves well to continue to reduce our dependence on oil after this war is history. The reason that Mideast dictators such as Saddam Hussein have the power they do over us is that we need their oil.

If the West did not need so much oil, we would not have to go through this cycle of creating these monsters by funding their arms buildups and then becoming victims of our own creations.


We need a rational, comprehensive energy policy. Encouraging conservation needs to be part of this policy. We also need to commit ourselves to developing alternative energy sources.

Such a policy may be costly at first, but to continue as we are will have long-term costs that we are already beginning to pay.

