
Ideas on How to Cut Oil Dependency Range From Pedal Power to the Power of the Ballot

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Despite all the rhetoric, the purpose of this war is to secure our supply of cheap oil from the Gulf, and Saddam Hussein knows that.

As the world’s largest consumer of oil, we are in the position to pull the rug right out from under Hussein by reducing our consumption so that oil from the region would cease to be a critical factor in our economic equation.

As S. J. Diamond points out, this would support the objectives of both the pro- and anti-war factions.


Such a move would greatly benefit us by reducing our balance of trade deficit and thus improve our competitive position in the world, which certainly needs bolstering.

This goal is within reach but requires commitment on the part of each of us to do our share. I have ridden my bike to the office since the Gulf crisis started in August. I have also replaced the bulbs in frequently used lighting fixtures in our home with readily available fluorescent ones. My physical condition has improved, and I am saving money to boot.

With a little thought and effort, each of us can find ways to achieve energy savings and, in doing so, gain the satisfaction of having done something tangible to support our troops, who are laying their lives on the line.


PAUL W. ROSENBERGER, Manhattan Beach
