
There Should Be Limits on Toddler Saying ‘No’

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So Eileen Heyes just loves to hear her son say “no” (“Toddler’s Mom Loves It When He Just Says No,” Jan. 29). She’s sure this will give him the ability to say no to drugs and make him a great leader.

It’s parents with an attitude like hers that produce the sassy, obstinate children who do not understand the basic limits we all must live within as part of a structured society.

She does her son no favor by her lack of discipline. Setting limits and teaching our children acceptable social behavior in our society does not stifle independence. Rather, it properly prepares our children for the harsh realities of life in a peopled society.


Stop kidding yourself, Eileen: You do your son no favor by being proud of obnoxious behavior in your son. If you don’t show him what the limits are, who will?


