
Legislature and Term Limits

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I read your article with interest and annoyance.

While losing good people is never a goal, paring down the size of government is what is needed and requested by the voters. Corporations throughout America are going through this process all the time and “good” people unfortunately end up losing their jobs.

Historically, most institutions, including government, build growth in expenses and manpower into their annual budgets. This growth gets out of hand and is usually not substantiated by greater output. Ultimately staff reductions become necessary.

Since government does not have to worry about competition, our political leaders become blind to the bloated size of government.


Fortunately, the people spoke with Prop. 140. We are forcing our leaders (who are paid by our tax dollars) to live by the same rules by which we must live in private industry. We are required to tighten our belts, accept lower pay raises, occasionally take pay cuts, work with fewer tools and amenities, and even lose our jobs in this soft economy. Now our legislators must do the same. It’s about time!


Los Angeles
