
Seal Beach Deadlocks on Special Election Vote

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The City Council deadlocked 2 to 2 Monday night on whether to call a special election for the controversial Hellman Ranch initiative because one of the council members was absent.

Councilwoman Gwen Forsythe got glue in her eye, causing her to miss the meeting, the city clerk said.

Mayor Edna Wilson and Councilman Joe Hunt voted to set the election for May 14 and consolidate it with a proposed county election on jail funding.


“I would like to get this on the ballot as soon as possible,” Wilson said.

Councilwoman Marilyn Bruce Hastings and Councilman Frank Laszlo said they were not sure when they want an election.

The council will discuss the matter further at its Feb. 25 meeting, but city staff members said council members do not have to set an election date then.

“I don’t know what will happen. Tune in next meeting, same time, same station,” Laszlo said.


The Hellman Ranch initiative, if approved by city voters, would allow Mola Development Corp. to build 329 homes on 149 acres. Included in the initiative is a commitment by the company to restore 41 acres of wetlands and donate, develop and maintain 26 acres of parks for 10 years.

The current development proposal was approved by a previous City Council but struck down by a court because the city’s local housing plan was obsolete. When it came before the current council, it was rejected by a 3-2 vote.

Residents who supported the project formed Seal Beach Citizens for Parks, Open Space and Responsible Government, garnered the financial support of Mola and gathered enough signatures to force an election.


But because of a technical oversight--the committee’s petitions failed to request a special election--the City Council could wait until the next general election in 1992 to put the measure on the ballot.

Arguing that the city is losing $57,000 each month the project is not approved, the committee offered last week to pay for the election if the council set a date Monday.

“Not tonight nor any other night will I allow the not-so-responsible government group to use coercion to obtain my vote for a special election,” Hastings said.
