
Postal Public Relations

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A fortune is spent on public relations by the U.S. Postal Service. Nonetheless, the public is more than disenchanted with the “service.” Why?

Take the Van Nuys terminal which services the San Fernando Valley, made up of over a million people.

Approximately seven or eight months ago--possibly more--additional stamp machines were placed where the scales had been.


Scales to weigh heavy letters or packages are presently non-existent, necessitating waiting in line to have clerks weigh your letters.

Thus we waste not only consumer time and tempers but innumerable hours of the clerks.

Warned months in advance that a scale should be present before the Christmas rush, I was told that:

1. Contractors who won the bidding process take their own time.

2. Nothing could be done.

3. Vandals often destroy building appurtenances anyway.

Ergo, I have stood in many a long line, during and after Christmas with many other disgruntled citizens, disgusted and angry, ruminating on why the Postal Service is so inept, arrogant and callously indifferent to the people they are supposed to serve.



