
Valentine Food Fantasies : What is the food of romance? : Love in the Fast Lane

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Whether you’ve been married for two decades or are barely dating, Valentine’s Day can be made special with just a little thought. A single rose tied with lace on a candlelit table is a good way to start. After that, you could forge a romantic dinner of salmon steaks with a sprinkling of caviar, followed by a special dessert.


2 (6-ounce) salmon steaks

2 tablespoons dry Vermouth

Freshly ground pepper

1 English cucumber, washed, unpeeled

1/2 cup peeled, seeded and chopped tomato

2 tablespoons thinly sliced green onions

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut in 1/4-inch cubes

1 tablespoon salmon caviar

Place salmon steaks in 9- or 10-inch glass pie plate. Sprinkle with Vermouth and season to taste with pepper. Cover with wax paper. Microwave on MEDIUM (50% power) 4 minutes. Turn over and continue to microwave 3 to 5 minutes longer or until fish just flakes when pressed with fork.

Meanwhile, with swivel peeler, make 6 lengthwise peels of cucumber. Roll each up to form “rose.”


Remove salmon from dish and place on serving plates. Cover with foil to keep warm. Add tomato and green onions to cooking juices in pie plate. Cover with wax paper. Microwave on HIGH (100% power) 2 to 3 minutes to heat through. Remove from microwave and stir in butter until melted. Stir in caviar. Spoon sauce over salmon and top with cucumber roses. Makes 2 servings.

Note: English cucumbers are long, seedless variety. If you can’t find them, buy 2 regular cucumbers and use only seedless outside portion for slices.


4 medium firm, ripe Bosc pears

1 lemon, quartered

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 cup red wine

1 bay leaf, crushed

Freshly grated nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns

1/2 cup creme fraiche or 1/2 cup whipped cream sweetened with 1 tablespoon sugar

Chocolate Hearts

Keeping stems intact, core pears so they retain shape by cutting cone out of base with grapefruit knife or other small knife. Peel pears and rub with cut lemon to prevent discoloration. Set pears aside and reserve lemon quarters.


Combine sugar, red wine, bay leaf, dash nutmeg, peppercorns and reserved lemon quarters in 2-quart microwave-proof casserole. Microwave on HIGH (100% power) 2 minutes or until sugar is dissolved, stirring once.

Place pears on sides in casserole, positioning thicker ends toward outside. Cover tightly with lid or plastic wrap, turned back on one side. Microwave on HIGH 6 minutes. Baste pears and turn over. Cover again. Microwave on HIGH 4 to 6 minutes longer, or until tender. Cool in liquid, turning over occasionally.

Serve warm or at room temperature, or refrigerate up to 2 days. To serve, strain cooking liquid and divide among 4 goblets. Add poached pear to each goblet. Serve each with dollop of creme fraiche, topped with grating of nutmeg. Garnish each with Chocolate Hearts. Makes 4 servings.


Chocolate Hearts

3 ounces semisweet chocolate pieces

Line baking sheet with wax paper and set aside.

Place chocolate in plastic zippered sandwich-size bag, moving all pieces to one corner, but in single layer. Seal. Microwave on MEDIUM (50% power) 3 minutes to melt (push with fingers to feel that chocolate is all very soft).

With scissors, snip corner off part of bag where chocolate is melted and squeeze onto prepared baking sheet into 8 solid hearts, or for more delicate heart just make outlines of hearts. (These can be free-form or use cookie cutter as guide.) Refrigerate at least 1/2 hour to firm up hearts.

Note: Chocolate pieces may be melted in sandwich bag in microwave, on MEDIUM (50% power) to melt evenly. Chocolate pieces will hold shape while heating; test to see if softened by squeezing bag with hands. Snip corner from bag and squeeze like pastry bag to make signature designs for any dessert.
