
Whittier : Planners OK Housing in Worsham Canyon

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The Worsham Canyon project finally cleared its first major hurdle Tuesday when the Whittier Planning Commission unanimously endorsed the development and sent it to the City Council for final approval. The development has been embroiled in controversy for months as residents fought to preserve what they consider one of the city’s last patches of wilderness.

Plans call for the development, named Arroya Vista, to be built on 18 acres of scrubby canyon land at the end of Canyon Drive, behind Whittier College. West Covina developer Nottingham Ltd. had originally proposed building 50 homes on the canyon floor and another eight on the steep sides of the canyon.

Last month, however, the city’s Planning Department found that building on the hillside lots violated the city’s General Plan. Planners said the lots would destroy the natural look and open space that the city is trying to preserve in hillside areas. Nottingham agreed before Tuesday’s meeting to leave the canyon sides undeveloped and build 54 homes on the canyon bottom.


Some of the lots on the canyon floor do not meet the city’s minimum-width requirements, but Planning Commissioner Larry Haendiges said that the project was a good example of “controlled growth.” Jack Matson, a resident who has spearheaded the campaign against the project, vowed after the meeting to try to stop the development when it reaches the City Council.
