
Cerritos : Green Waste Recycling Test Will Be Extended 4 Months

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In an effort to generate more community support for recycling, the Cerritos City Council has voted to extend the city’s green waste program four more months.

The program, under which gardening and lawn-mowing waste is separated from other refuse and recycled for use as mulch, started in October at about 1,800 area homes. Although the city promoted the program extensively, only about 16% of the targeted residents have been participating.

In Downey, where a similar waste program exists, resident participation averages 50%, according to a report prepared by the city staff. However, Downey residents are accustomed to taking part in recycling programs. They started recycling 12 years ago, said Vince Brar, director of public services.


Cerritos Councilman John Crawley offered another explanation for the poor response by Cerritos residents. “Personally, where I live, I was the only guy in the neighborhood who mowed his own lawn,” Crawley said, referring to the fact that many Cerritos residents have gardeners who haul the green waste away.

Councilman Paul W. Bowlen is so eager to make recycling a success in Cerritos that he said he is going to walk door-to-door in the test area and urge residents to participate. Mayor Ann Joynt said she was willing to walk with Bowlen to promote the program. It costs the city $2,500 a month.

Under state law, Cerritos and every other municipality in the state must come up with a waste recycling plan that will cut all of the waste they produce by 25% by 1995 and 50% by 2000.
